This past weekend, Camp Kesem BYU held our much anticipated Fall Reunion where we were able to see many of our campers and their families. Much was accomplished at this reunion; parents mingled with other parents while our counselors met with them to discuss future CK projects, over 20 donated pizzas were, 3 lucky campers won the coveted jars of candy for guessing the correct amount, and one counselor spent the day playing hide and seek (mostly hide) from the many campers seeking to TAKE DOWN THE DRAGON (figuratively). Needless to say, much fun was had and memories were made.
One activity we asked the parents and some of the campers to participate in was writing down what Camp Kesem has done for their family. The responses are so different from each other, but each card reminds us why each of us Kesem. Here are some of the responses we received:
- "I am so thankful for Camp Kesem. Camp Kesem saved my children. Cancer has been rough not only on my husband & I, but it has been so rough on our children as well. Camp Kesem has helped my children survive the emotional toll that cancer takes on the family. They know they have a support system & know that they have people that understand and care."
- "We are thankful for Camp Kesem because it helps our kids realize they are not alone in all they have gone thru (and continue to) Thanks"
- "The Gunthers are thankful for Camp Kesem for so many reasons! My kids LOVE the week of camp. Even though they only see these kiddos a few times a year, the bond between them is so strong. The positive attention and unending energy given by the counselors is literally life changing. We cannot say enough wonderful things about CKBYU!"
- "We are thankful for CK because...Going to camp gave our kids hope for a brighter tomorrow and an amazing support system to help them through the dark days that come along with a cancer diagnosis. CK means magic. CK is love!"
- "I am thankful for Camp Kesem because...I love seeing how my daughter always wants to tell people about Camp Kesem because she feels comfortable and understood by her counselors and fellow campers."
- "The smile on my daughters face says it all at the end of the week. Big shout out to all the volunteers that make it happen."
- "You give our kids something to look forward to all year long. You are totally positive in their lives.
- "Camp Kesem means my kids get a week to hang out with other kids that know what it feels like to have a parent with cancer."
- "We're thankful for Camp Kesem because I recently read through a texting thread and saw my 12-year-old daughter's words of encouragement, comfort, and strength to a friend who just found out her mom has cancer. The same encouragement, comfort, and strength she learned at Camp Kesem!"
- "I'm so thankful for all of your hard work and "time." That's what its all about and our boys love the time they get to spend at Camp Kesem."
- I am thankful for Camp Kesem because I don't have to act like an adult. I can be a kid at Kesem."
- I am thankful for Camp Kesem because I am more comfortable being myself now."
- I am thankful for Camp Kesem because of how much the counselors love and support my children. I am also thankful for how much confidence my kids have since attending camp. Double T is looking forward to being a counselor when he is is college."
Everyone Kesem's for one reason or another. Why are you grateful for Camp Kesem?